Testimonials for Empowering the Spirit Online Course

This course was a deeply personal and insightful journey into my psyche. Each lesson opened more doors into the unconscious longings that stirred just below the surface. With the  inspiring meditations, along with the written words online and in the book, I found new directions with which to focus my energies and creativity and found answers to questions that have plagued me for many years. I highly recommend this course as a way to work into a higher vibrational path.Ruth S., IL

Judith has a wise and gentle, but firm approach to the difficult terrain of beliefs and conditioning. Her transmissions led me to exactly where I needed to go to find the cobwebs in the corners of my psyche, and lead me back out again. Her teachings on consciousness remind us of why we are really here on earth. My soul feels lighter!”   Anyaa Mc., NC

“Empowering the Spirit is a truly transformational process. Through reading the book and taking Judith’s online class, I was able to uncover old patterns and beliefs that have been holding me back from discovering my soul’s purpose and potential. The curriculum gives each of us a spy glass to see how our egos and childhood beliefs have interfered with the direct links to our spirits and intuitive wisdom. Judith then gives us the tools to acknowledge and work through the blockages that keep our energy from flowing freely and inhibit us from accessing our connection to Spirit. Judith helped me peel back the layers of “self” and see that I am part of the interconnected divinity of the universe. ”  Michelle M., CA

Thank you, Judith, for creating this course.  Every time I read your book I find a new jewel of information. The course helped me get back on my path; made me think about my spirituality in this lifetime; opened my mind to creating and envisioning the life I want…the life I have every right to have.  Each class was very user friendly; loved the audio part and meditations and the innumerable suggestions to help get past snags/traps on my path.  It was a wealth of information.”  Janice R., IL

Empowering the Spirit is a terrific book! For those looking for help along life’s spiritual path, it is instructive and thought-provoking, providing guidance for how to identify and work through the challenges we bring to our lives in ways that engender lasting change. The on-line course takes it all one-step further– it is like having your own personal guide to help you engage with these transformative ideas and implement the resulting ‘ah-ha’ moments.

… The course is structured in such a way as to provide all the information needed to understand the theme, as well as meditations to help that along, but not too much to make it onerous. It can easily be accomplished around work and other commitments. For those looking for real connection and transformation, I can’t recommend it enough!Karen K., WV

“I was searching for answers when I came across this course online. My inner work had hit an impasse. I couldn’t get over it, around it or through it. I knew I needed to dig deeper but I either didn’t know how or I was afraid to find out.   This course provided me with the structure and tools to dig deeper and get past my fear. Judith gently walks you through the process step by step in the book but the extra work with the online course really brings it home. The outcome was life altering. I am not the same person today as when I started the course. It has been an amazing journey.”  Barbara V., IL


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